Rolling out the Trash Trolley

Morningside’s First Cleanup Crew Event

On Saturday, July 8, a dozen Morningside residents joined forces to make our neighborhood even more beautiful, and have a bit of fun in the process.

These incredible volunteers collected more than 20 bags of trash from our streets, alleys, and parks, and they connected with their neighbors in the process. The day also saw the worldwide debut of the Morningside Trash Trolley, a pedal-powered rubbish-runner which proved massively helpful in moving all the bags to one location for pickup. 

The next Cleanup Crew event is slated for November (details TBD), and will focus on the areas surrounding Joe Natoli Field. We’d love to meet more Morningsiders who want to make a difference: visit for more information about joining the Cleanup Crew!

Cyndy Tabor