Special Election Scheduled for September 19

Following the resignation of Rep. Sara Innamorato, the Speaker of the House set a special election for voters in the district to fill the vacancy for Tuesday, September 19. The 21st Legislative District includes 79 precincts in Etna, Millvale, Reserve, and Shaler, as well as portions of the City of Pittsburgh.

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A total of 40 locations have been secured for the special election with 341 of the 397 poll workers already confirmed. Households with voters in the legislative district will receive a notice after the voter registration deadline reminding voters of the date of the special election and their polling place.

As additional information becomes available for the special election, it will be added to the website. As the date of the election nears, there will be public notices made of upcoming deadlines, arrangements, and plans as well.

Cyndy Tabor