Polished Dental Giving Back

To celebrate 10 years in business, Morningside dental office Polished Dental will be giving back to Reading Ready Pittsburgh - an inspiring local organization. Drop off a book to donate and choose a special gift:

  • $400 off Invisalign

  • $100 off Nightguard

  • $250 off Implant Placement

  • $12 / unit Botox

  • $100 off In Office Whitening

Reading Ready Pittsburgh: Supporting families to foster a love of reading

Reading Ready Pi$400 off Invisalignttsburgh believes in the power of family book sharing to ensure all children are ready to thrive in kindergarten. Increasing access to books and encouraging significant family engagement, guarantees that all families have the tools and resources they need to support their children.

All children deserve full book shelves.

Cyndy Tabor